Sunday, April 24, 2005

i have chicken pox

no i don't

i spent four hours at the hospital today. i got one discharge and one paper errand. that's about 10 minutes of work.

the rest of the time, i pretended to study chemistry. i try to fool myself, but i'm not very good at it.

then, i went and played some night tennis.
it's hard to hit a ball you can't really see. and the lights at wirth don't work. cheap park and rec bastards.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

This is what my blog would look like if i were ali g

Friday, April 22, 2005

Your Tax Dollars at Work - Scientists solve unpopped popcorn - Apr 21, 2005

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

DDR Juggling and Tennis

You really can't say you're good at DDR unless you can do it while juggling (click the title).

in other news, we tied Nicolet 6-6, but only because we won all the low matches. yea 6 singles!

i won my match 4-6, 6-4, 12-10 in a tiebreaker. suck that nicolet.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Pimp my shopping cart

the title says it all (click it)

beat my old school

played greendale in some hardcore tennis

i'm pretty sure varsity won

AND i won my number 98137482 singles match.

AND i only lost 3 games to the worst player i have ever played.

gooooooo double faults!!!!!!!!

and while were at it, let's throw in missing easy groundstrokes.

Monday, April 18, 2005


idk, i just wanted to post something

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Things you didn't know about Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

The integral of ln |x| is Vin Diesel.

By playing back any quote from Vin Diesel, assigning each letter a number, reversing the order, and translating to Hebrew can one find the Secret Name of God.

Vin Diesel can recite all 325 elements of the periodic table. He personally named all elements past 118 because they are found exclusively in his colon.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Asian Kids Have Too Much Time

who comes up with this shit?

Friday, April 15, 2005


asians are all that and a bag of chips

i say, ban affirmative action!!!


chemistry olympiad = sausage fest

5 hours of ghei testing

it kicked my ass too

then, at tennis, we took pictures... for an hour and a half. wtf.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


reason number 32813287 i like tennis

it makes food taste better
no joke, after a tennis match, mediocre food somehow becomes delicious

i beat some crappy kid from east 6-1, 6-0
then, i beat a crappier kid from east 8-1

that's what you get for playing 5 singles

but maybe i won't even get cut

Monday, April 11, 2005


i can't believe
i missed the bus

Sunday, April 10, 2005

pizza toppings

i was in a pizza place in iowa, with ann, CC, kyle vint, and like 12 patricks

we ordered a pepperoni pizza.

ann goes, i know there are pepperonis and there are sausages, but which ones are the flat disks, and which ones are the round balls?


on a completely unrelated note, iowa has a gas station called the 'kum and go'. i swear, i'm not lying.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

a city in iowa

which, is surprisingly, not an oxymoron.

there's like, people, and buildings here. i did not have to judge in a cornfield.

i'm here, hanging out with ann, and cc. we're stealing music, and not watching a bad novice round. T and militarism, is not a good 1NC.

i judged two rounds. it was pretty easy; face crushes both times.

last night, i went to bed at 4, cause we were hanging out with CC all night. i don't even remember what we did. we just talked for 4 hours. about nothing. it was fun tho. then i woke up at 6 45. car ride home is a gonna be a bitch.

btw, i had to share with everyone
there's this girl here

and her name is CC

and she's REALLY COOL


and i <3 her a lot :)


she's really pretty too

i am maybe her face's biggest fan

if i could anally penetrate her it would make my decade


EDIT: ann is pretty transparent, eh?

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


i get to go to iowa to judge novices friday

i'm real excited


the good news is, i made var reserve

the bad news is, this is not an accomplishment: so did yussef (he's not good)

Sunday, April 03, 2005

You Will Go To Hell If You Click This

the inner circle is reserved for those who laugh at this

like me

how many cubic yards of dirt are there in a hole three feet long, three feet wide and nine feet deep?

Saturday, April 02, 2005

second place nuclear science


Friday, April 01, 2005

Scientific American Gets the GOP Good

it's april fools day, click the title.