Saturday, April 09, 2005

a city in iowa

which, is surprisingly, not an oxymoron.

there's like, people, and buildings here. i did not have to judge in a cornfield.

i'm here, hanging out with ann, and cc. we're stealing music, and not watching a bad novice round. T and militarism, is not a good 1NC.

i judged two rounds. it was pretty easy; face crushes both times.

last night, i went to bed at 4, cause we were hanging out with CC all night. i don't even remember what we did. we just talked for 4 hours. about nothing. it was fun tho. then i woke up at 6 45. car ride home is a gonna be a bitch.

btw, i had to share with everyone
there's this girl here

and her name is CC

and she's REALLY COOL


and i <3 her a lot :)


she's really pretty too

i am maybe her face's biggest fan

if i could anally penetrate her it would make my decade


EDIT: ann is pretty transparent, eh?


At 7:31 PM, Blogger Liz said...


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