Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Difference Between You and Me is I'm Not on Fire

It's been a while since I've posted legitimately.

Last weekend, I went to GBN and debated terribly. Maybe it was cause I was sick; maybe it was cause I didn't sleep; maybe its cause i suck. Whatever. Its over. Ann and Alex did ok, although, it is sad seeing all the hard work you put into a new aff losing to a generic K, especially one we link turn. Such is life.

I skipped the Friday before GBN, and missed a lot of homework and test. Fortunately, the post-GBN makeup period has given way to the post-GBN relief period, since I don't have tournaments until State. There's also a five day weekend to look forward to, altough I'll spend it all college apps. I hope. I really need to finish them.

Tomorrow we're going to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch.

Thursday is Thanksgiving, and we're having Chinese ppl over. Tina's coming back from Yale, Julie may be coming back from Northwestern, and Margie and Cindy are coming from across Brookfield. Wish I could invite [thinly veiled reference]someone else [/thinly veiled reference], but my parents are weird. My mother is like a high, no, middle, school girl.

gotta get up early for jazz tomorrow


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