Sunday, December 18, 2005

i think i killed a baby

so, i'm in my car, drivin with alex to the debate christmas party, and i'm drivin down barker, under the speed limit (who woulda thought?).

well, i'm sorta swervin back and forth a little bit, like i usually drive, and this cop pulls me over. he angrily asks me if i've been drinking.

he continues to ask me questions, barbed stick in his rectum the whole time. he asks me dumb things, including questions like, "who's that sitting next to you?" (uh... a prostitue?).

he takes my driver's license, and as he's puttin it into the computer, all the cars driving down barker are staring at me. all of a sudden, bam: car accident. the guy gets out of his car, revealing that the driver of the car behind him was braindead.

turns out, there was a baby in the car that got hit. the officer hands me my driver's license, goes, "see what happens with bad drivers? learn to drive".

man, i sure learned my lesson. you can always count on babies to save the day. drive safe kids.


At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

now, andy - don't you mean you can always count on DEAD babies to save the day? there's only 2 kinds of good babies - dead ones and ones about to get dead! ;-)


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