Thursday, March 30, 2006



Saturday, January 07, 2006

and this


Friday, December 30, 2005


now is that
penis land

or pen island
you click, you decide

for more, click here

Saturday, December 24, 2005

china rocks

Image hosted by

Sunday, December 18, 2005

i think i killed a baby

so, i'm in my car, drivin with alex to the debate christmas party, and i'm drivin down barker, under the speed limit (who woulda thought?).

well, i'm sorta swervin back and forth a little bit, like i usually drive, and this cop pulls me over. he angrily asks me if i've been drinking.

he continues to ask me questions, barbed stick in his rectum the whole time. he asks me dumb things, including questions like, "who's that sitting next to you?" (uh... a prostitue?).

he takes my driver's license, and as he's puttin it into the computer, all the cars driving down barker are staring at me. all of a sudden, bam: car accident. the guy gets out of his car, revealing that the driver of the car behind him was braindead.

turns out, there was a baby in the car that got hit. the officer hands me my driver's license, goes, "see what happens with bad drivers? learn to drive".

man, i sure learned my lesson. you can always count on babies to save the day. drive safe kids.

Thursday, December 15, 2005



calc is over, and with several weeks of BCHS left, i get boatloads of freetime. woooooooooo

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

worried about safety at night?

Friday, November 25, 2005

treadmill bike

this is the most retarded thing i've ever seen. ever.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Difference Between You and Me is I'm Not on Fire

It's been a while since I've posted legitimately.

Last weekend, I went to GBN and debated terribly. Maybe it was cause I was sick; maybe it was cause I didn't sleep; maybe its cause i suck. Whatever. Its over. Ann and Alex did ok, although, it is sad seeing all the hard work you put into a new aff losing to a generic K, especially one we link turn. Such is life.

I skipped the Friday before GBN, and missed a lot of homework and test. Fortunately, the post-GBN makeup period has given way to the post-GBN relief period, since I don't have tournaments until State. There's also a five day weekend to look forward to, altough I'll spend it all college apps. I hope. I really need to finish them.

Tomorrow we're going to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch.

Thursday is Thanksgiving, and we're having Chinese ppl over. Tina's coming back from Yale, Julie may be coming back from Northwestern, and Margie and Cindy are coming from across Brookfield. Wish I could invite [thinly veiled reference]someone else [/thinly veiled reference], but my parents are weird. My mother is like a high, no, middle, school girl.

gotta get up early for jazz tomorrow

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Thursday, September 29, 2005

its puzzle time

three ladies walk into a restaurant. after their meal, they each put down 10 dollars. (that totals 30 dollars.) the waiter takes the money, and finds out the bill is only 25 dollars. He returns with 5 one dollar bills, but he knows that the ladies don't know what the total bill is and that he can't split 5 dollars evenly between the three of them, so he pockets 2 dollars, and returns 1 dollar to each of the ladies.

therefore, each lady paid 9 dollars. that's a total of 27 dollars. the waiter took 2 dollars. where did the extra dollar go?

Saturday, September 10, 2005


is the fear of asymmetric things

i think i am one


now that's scary

Friday, September 09, 2005

There are two rules for living a successful life

Rule #1: Don't share all your secrets

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

college sports aren't all black

today, in pad, mr. dapelo said the ncaa was making allegations of racism in handling the aftermath of Katrina.

he meant naacp
