Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Ten Most Harmful Books

kids, if you see one of these, burn it right away

includes evil books like karl marx's das capital, to perverted works like John Maynard Keynes's general theory of employment, interest, and money

kids, these books promote godless whoring, homosexuality, communism, and other god forbidden knowledge

can anyone say Fahrenheit 451?

Monday, May 30, 2005


Most bizarre among the plans was one for the development of an "aphrodisiac" chemical weapon that would make enemy soldiers sexually irresistible to each other. Provoking widespread homosexual behaviour among troops would cause a "distasteful but completely non-lethal" blow to morale, the proposal says.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Click Me

man, them terrorists are everywhere

Monday, May 23, 2005


nuff said

well, fine, i'll elaborate.
this site is about how to destroy the earth.

the "how not to destroy the earth" part is pretty funny as well (scroll down)

Sunday, May 22, 2005

top 10 of * wars

reasons to enjoy
10. its star wars, you just have to see it
9. more cgi than you can shake a stick at
8. all that backstory that was hinted at in episodes 4-6 are not blatantly put forth
7. yoda
6. lightsabers are so shiny, so shiny
5. jar jar doesn't talk
4. darth vader
3. yoda
2. uh... wookies?
and the number one reason to enjoy * wars is...
1. yoda. he's just that cool.

or maybe, the movie is just that bad.
which brings us to...

reasons not to enjoy
10. who the fuck wrote such a crapy script?!?!?!?!!?!?! o, right, george lucas
9. jar jar does the best acting (see above, number 5)
8. they kill a bunch of little kids... not cool
7. realism... there's no sound in space!!!
7. for serious tho, r2 lands on the ship, and is able to get a map, and can control anything on the ship. what happened to security?
6. hadyn christensen is the worst actor on the face of the earth. HE IS LIKE A FUCKING TALKING WALL. THERE ARE AT LEAST 40 OF HIS LINES A 4 YEAR OLD COULD HAVE DELIVERED MORE CONVINCINGLY. "we're coming in hot" comes to mind.
5. wookies are not that cool. and they didn't do anything either.
4. not enough chinese people. in the movie, and in directing of the action sequences. the quality, just ain't there.

3, 2, and 1. Natalie Portman is pregnant for the entire movie. AAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH.


there's this scene, where she has a really short skirt. but right above that, she's pregnant.

so... dissappointing...

Saturday, May 21, 2005

i got lucky today

i was at the hospital this afternoon. yes, a saturday afternoon, volunteering at the hospital. my mother is kinda dense sometimes.

but anyways. i was doing a discharge, and when i got done, the dude handed me a wad of money. score. then, i saw a zero. SCORE. ten dollars. then, i saw the two. WTF. 20 dollars!! its duly appreciated.

let's see, i volunteered 4 hours. that puts me at 5 dollars an hour. which is just under 'alright'.

but wait. i've put in a total of about two hundred hours... that puts me at 10 cents an hour. i might as well be making shirts in china.

oh, well, twenty bucks is twenty bucks.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

i just wanted to type

i got up a lot later than usual today. my alarm went off at the right time, but i just laid in bed for 20 minutes. then, i had leftover pizza for breakfast. its best to get the grease flowing in the veins as soon as you wake up, for maximal chance of a heart attack.

its star wars day, apparently, as i was reminded first hour. mr. herzing was giving a lecture, when the door burst open, and mrs. doering's substitute and some random kid leaped into the room with lightsabers. the sub had an amidala costume on, full makeup and everything. the two procedeed to engage in a lightsaber battle of epic proportions in the room, and then, around mr. herzing. then they left.

in chemistry, i borrowed someone's headphones, and listened to my crappy music while sleeping. i slept about half an hour, whence i was awoken cause there's this one song that's just really really loud.

we played golf in gym. i used to sorta kinda play, but i quit that about a year ago. i am amazed at how craptacular i have gotten at the unsport, but i can barely make contact with the ball. its so sad. i hit about two good shots all hour. not that i could tell, cause we were hitting whiffle balls, which travel about 10 yards max.

in french, we watched le chloriste, or something french to that effect. we haven't finished it, but its really good. i won't get to finish it tho, cause i have jazz tomorrow. whoopee...

for more fantastically interesting stories as those presented above, stay tuned for the next episode of 'andy lei's humdrum excuse for a life'

Monday, May 09, 2005

Tabitha from Joy Zipper is Hot

which is really weird, cause her name is Tabitha

summary of my life

at the moment

the past weekend has been consumed, or, at least, attempted consumption, by studying for ap physics c. i took it today. it was kinda weird, cause i was the only one in taking the exam. they put me in a tiny room in the guidance department. they also put a proctor in there. she sat across from me. it was just me and her. FOR 4 HOURS. a bit awkward.

so, in summary, the ap physics c exam kicked my ass. i might have done ok on the mechanics section, but the e&m section was awful. i just did not spend enough time during the year preparing. it didn't help that my online teacher, or lack thereof, sucked. big time.

now, instead of studying for ap chem, like i should be, i'm writing in this blog.

and since you are bored enough to read this blog, you are bored enough to try new music. my recommendations of the day include Mercury Rev's "Secret for a Song", and Joy Zipper's "33x"

Monday, May 02, 2005


stupid cold weather, people who won't play at elite, and crappy matches at central
