Monday, May 09, 2005

summary of my life

at the moment

the past weekend has been consumed, or, at least, attempted consumption, by studying for ap physics c. i took it today. it was kinda weird, cause i was the only one in taking the exam. they put me in a tiny room in the guidance department. they also put a proctor in there. she sat across from me. it was just me and her. FOR 4 HOURS. a bit awkward.

so, in summary, the ap physics c exam kicked my ass. i might have done ok on the mechanics section, but the e&m section was awful. i just did not spend enough time during the year preparing. it didn't help that my online teacher, or lack thereof, sucked. big time.

now, instead of studying for ap chem, like i should be, i'm writing in this blog.

and since you are bored enough to read this blog, you are bored enough to try new music. my recommendations of the day include Mercury Rev's "Secret for a Song", and Joy Zipper's "33x"


At 9:19 PM, Blogger Liz said...

I think my independent study physics teacher was fricken awesome, dude!

: )

At 9:22 PM, Blogger ljfewaij said...

you are lucky

i had a good one, but he left, after 2 weeks. the replacement sucked. big time.


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