Monday, June 20, 2005

Random Events

i have to go to work again tomorrow. there's nothin worse than the eight hour work day. i just can't wait till i actually have to get a real job. damn you market capitalism!! quit exploiting me.

in other crappy news, gotta volunteer at the hospital wednesday and friday mornings for four hours a piece. real ghei. it doesn't help that the beginning of the summer is when no kids show up. so its me, and like 6 old people who don't do any work. i mean, i guess its justified, cause they don't have functioning bones and whatnot, but still, it's kind of annoying having to do everything.

i have my princeton club banquet on wednesday. liz will be there, right after she gets back from italy. AND, i get to skip class for it. woo

i leave for camp in about a month. can't wait.


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