Wednesday, June 29, 2005

i feel like i'm wasting away.

besides work and volunteering, all i do is sit at home on the computer or on the couch, consuming the garbage called mass media like a fat kid's proverbial consumption of "cake". i know i'm on the receiving end of the consumption, but simultaneously, its exactly the opposite; my soul is slowly being consumed by all that is unholy, the empty simulations that suck away all of my energy, creativity, intelligence, and willpower, replacing it all with apathy, incoherence, and a sense of vacuous contentment. and they make it all so easy. video games and tv are just button presses away from sucking my attention into an ever amusing but ultimately unsatisfying whirlpool of the most cleverly concealed feces ever to touch the senses of people. this addiction to postmodern opiate of the masses must stop!

in other news, i'm building a solar death ray. this ambitious project hopes to combine my love of burning things with my love of the great outdoors. just kidding, i hate the sun, but i won't hesitate to exploit its powers or burnination for evil. i know this project is meaningless, but at least it requires some thinking and effort.

leaving for DDI in 3 weeks...

ground of intellectual warfare of the day: CHAOS!!!
there's way more grounds than 9, but i won't tell you natches, cause its a secret


At 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are a fool. powering a cannon? using the sun would be so pointless, that's what batteries are for.

on the other hand, there is no substitute for a flame free burning device - only a solar death ray will do.


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