Wednesday, March 30, 2005

stupid MIT...


from bash


Tom Delay WHAT-ED his Vegetable Father?

I guess i gotta comment on this damn Schiavo case. Which is clearly important enough to merit emergency sessions of Congress. I mean, an entire person. Several thousand times fewer, than those that have died in other places. Other... middle eastern... newly democratic places.

Another article, if you didn't believe the first one, on our leaders, and their fun friend, hypocrisy.

here's a quote from that article:

"DeLay has denounced Schiavo's husband, as well as judges, for committing what he calls "an act of barbarism" in removing the tube.

In 1988, however, there was no such fiery rhetoric as the congressman quietly joined the sad family consensus to let his father die."

Oh, and Tom DeLay is my hero. He did manage to get ANWR passed. That sneaky bastard.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

bunnies are stupid

i hit a bunny yesterday

it just ran out in front of my car

i tried to stop


i felt bad

the day after easter too...

Sunday, March 27, 2005

i don't celebrate easter

here are the things i did today, closest resembling easter (most to least)

1. eat a marshmallow egg, on the volunteers table at EMH

2. go to the gas station, only to find it closed

3. get double hours at the hospital. i deserved them tho - it felt like 8 hours

4. write this ridiculous post

Saturday, March 26, 2005

God is so gay

sinfest rocks

Monday, March 21, 2005

My Young Source of Orientalism

MYSO was alright. the last concert always has the best brass stuff.

and spring break is in like two days. in case you didn't get the memo.
that's pretty sweet.

btw, the best song that does not include the word 'masochistic' in existence, is 'couches in alleys' by styrofoam.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Can you hear me now


Disappointment is spelled with an S

The new episode, is definitely the worst Space Tree ever. Don't go watch it.

tune in later for more on my exciting life.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Up 200 dollars, Down my soul

Over priveleged rat bastards over at Nicolet / USM: 1, slightly less over priveleged rat bastard named Andy Lei: 0.

I won a 200 dollar bond tho. But only cause I was the only CS project there. I wish our school, or at least, our area, had its own science fair, so I wouldn't show up at Madison not knowing one fuck about what was going on.

My project definitely needed more bells and whistles. Too much on paper, not enough flashing lights. Or maybe, nobody cares about digital transportation networks.

Its a bad feeling when you know the stuff you did goes right over the judges' heads. whoosh

which way is left?

(23:58:54) Torrence: i got 5 pts off for umm
(23:59:19) Torrence: opening my hood
(23:59:32) Torrence: i thought it was the parking brake

Thursday, March 17, 2005

(Doing) nothing > work

i've been sittin at home all day workin on this fatty science project. i'll probably be up all night. wish me luck for tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

(23:52:24) Kim: i have a vagina and by golly i'm going to use it!

I'm So Busy Procrastinating...

... that i don't have time to finish my science project.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


I found this on an apple. I asked my mom what that looked like, and she goes, "... a person?" That shape on the apple, is, in fact, not a person. Posted by Hello

Minimalism is big

Today was sweet.

First class was classics. He was "lecturing" or whatever, so I did my calculus homework. maybe i liked it...
Then, i spent 20 minutes in chem, doing NOTHING AT ALL.

Then, we went on a field trip to the art museum. There was no one there but us, since it was 10 o'clock on a Tuesday. We went to the Degas exhibit and then the modern art stuff. We had a docent for the Degas portion, but she was not good. Captain of the obvious, she read plaques to us, and pointed out things like "this is a timeline". Claire Fabric, now synomyous with "no shit sherlock", told us that Degas' specialty was capturing moments in time; because, of course, no other artists do that when they paint.

The Degas exhibit wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. First, we saw horses, most of which were ugly. Some were ok, and his paintings were pretty good, but his the statues were bleh. Then, we saw the "women bathing" portion. Next, came the "little girl dancers" part. With all the naked old ladies and little girls in strange poses, I can only conclude that Degas was a sexually repressed pervert. The grand finale to the exhibit was kinda sucky as well. Maybe it made a grand statement back in the 1800s, but now... it's just not that great.

Finally, we went to the modern art section, where there was great amounts of fun, mostly us making fun of the art. We saw black squares, white squares, and red squares surrounding an orange line. Then, there was a square of steel tiles, displayed neatly over the center of the floor. Then, there was this horse made of twigs and mud, which, I strongly suspect a beaver had constructed. Next, we saw 7 black squares and 2 dark blue squares, arranged into a bigger square. FUCKING BRILLIANT. wait.... There was some good stuff though. There was a little baby doll under a chair. A projector made the doll's head talk. You'd have to see it, but it was sweet. Then, there was an open piece of luggage lying on the ground. A quick glance inside revealed a sewer, under which was a nice fountain, inhabited by a man/woman, and his baby.

We ate at Elliot's Bistro. I had beef bourgeonion ( i can't spell french words ) ; it was fantastic.

We got back to school for seventh hour, which was French. Madame let us go to the library. We didn't go to the library.

When I got home, I realized I had a shitload of things to do. So, I just sat here procrastinating.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

I just found this

That right, these reindeer are breakdancing... IN THE GHETTO... of the north pole. You know, out back, where the bad ass reindeer school dropout reindeer hang out. Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 12, 2005

yay for solo ensemble

well, s & e sucked

i lost my blistex :(

Friday, March 11, 2005

yay for stuff... and things

so tomorrow is chemistry olympiad... yay... for two hours of chemistry testing...

in arrowhead. who the hell builds a school in the middle of nowhere and calls it arrowhead.

after that... is solo/ensemble. jazz at 2 30 ish; solo at 4 ish. you aren't invited.

then, mindless videogames and pizz until like 8 or 9 ish. after that, i suppose i should get to work on my research paper and presentation for ISEF, on the 18. (haven't started, fuck me now)

i wish i didn't have to miss oshkosh ( regardless of whether i was invited or not ). my performance optics affirmative, L-spec, and etc. would have been soo sweet.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

feelin rather emo

it seems like its so pointless.

i get up, go to school, come home, work on homework/random projects. go to sleep.

monotony squared.

i think my brain would just shrivel up and die from the lack of stimulation, if it weren't for losing at debate tournaments every other weekend, thinking of lame jokes to tell, and internet radio, specifically, the current. oh, and archery, that's pretty cool too.

sometimes, i think to myself, what's the point.

but mostly, i just think about how dumb the above is.