Friday, March 18, 2005

Up 200 dollars, Down my soul

Over priveleged rat bastards over at Nicolet / USM: 1, slightly less over priveleged rat bastard named Andy Lei: 0.

I won a 200 dollar bond tho. But only cause I was the only CS project there. I wish our school, or at least, our area, had its own science fair, so I wouldn't show up at Madison not knowing one fuck about what was going on.

My project definitely needed more bells and whistles. Too much on paper, not enough flashing lights. Or maybe, nobody cares about digital transportation networks.

Its a bad feeling when you know the stuff you did goes right over the judges' heads. whoosh


At 3:20 PM, Blogger Liz said...

It goes over their heads because you are too smart for them.

The $200 is a celebration of your smartness.



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