Thursday, September 29, 2005

its puzzle time

three ladies walk into a restaurant. after their meal, they each put down 10 dollars. (that totals 30 dollars.) the waiter takes the money, and finds out the bill is only 25 dollars. He returns with 5 one dollar bills, but he knows that the ladies don't know what the total bill is and that he can't split 5 dollars evenly between the three of them, so he pockets 2 dollars, and returns 1 dollar to each of the ladies.

therefore, each lady paid 9 dollars. that's a total of 27 dollars. the waiter took 2 dollars. where did the extra dollar go?

Saturday, September 10, 2005


is the fear of asymmetric things

i think i am one


now that's scary

Friday, September 09, 2005

There are two rules for living a successful life

Rule #1: Don't share all your secrets

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

college sports aren't all black

today, in pad, mr. dapelo said the ncaa was making allegations of racism in handling the aftermath of Katrina.

he meant naacp
